Your garden is a reflection of your aesthetic sense, creativity and your passion for the greens. It is very easy to have a small piece of land in the backyard, front yard or in the terrace dedicated for gardening. The natural instinct keeps the garden ideas flowing in. But what is more important is how you take care of your plants based on their needs and requirements.
Here are some garden ideas that will definitely help you find what you want:
Organic Gardening - Started during the 1940's and 1950's, organic gardening is basically based on the concept of feeding the soil and not the plant. It believes that trees, plants are all part of a system in nature. Organic gardeners do not use any man-made synthetic fertilizers, nutrients or pesticides. They effectively apply the natural manure, compost or homemade pest controls for plant nutrition. They grow plants suited to the conditions available. The organic garden ideas follow decorum with the nature, for a healthy environment.
Container Gardening - One of the easiest and most affordable ways to showcase your creative gardening skills is through container gardening. Many attractive gardens are formed in containers of various shapes and sizes. It can be a single container consisting of various small plants, or different colourful containers consisting of various plants. There is no limit to how you can use them. Moreover, container gardening also solves the problem of limited space. It is economical, easy to install and maintain, not a problem while shifting or relocating making container gardening one of the most popular garden ideas.
Water Gardening - A pond full of lilies, a fountain, small cascading stream in a private garden are perfect places for pleasure and peace. If space is not factor, then water gardening is one garden idea to cherish. The small fountains in the middle of the garden, a stream running across the garden have an instant impact on its exquisiteness. The water gardens are gaining on popularity because of their charm and utility. They attract a large number of birds. Ponds can be dug into the ground and fountains are available in all shapes and sizes. To be more economical, old cisterns or washtubs could be used to grow water lilies in them.
Topiary - Trees like ivy, holly, bay tree, vines and many other evergreen trees can be properly sculpted and made into decorative features into gardens. This act of sculpting trees and plants are referred to as topiary. Topiary can be done not only for gardens spread over a large area but can also on indoor plants. Generally mesh or wires are used for topiary both indoors and outdoors. All that is needed is a bit of imagination for topiary to be a great garden idea.
Gardens can be for simple pleasure, for fun or for show. Your direct involvement in your green landscape will help in garden ideas to flood automatically. Apart from having fun, it is important to protect your garden from different kinds of pests and insects. Care should be taken to not harm the plants while using the chemicals or pesticides. After all, garden ideas are truly successful when adequate care is taken along with beautification of the garden.
Gardening and landscaping are one of life's simple joys